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Despite the pandemic, At Your Door Veterinary Services will provide quality care to your pets in the comfort of your own home.  To do so and keep you and our staff healthy, we have written the following policies based on CDC guidelines. 


- Once we arrive at your home, you will receive a call to discuss your pet's health.  After this phone call, we will come in to perform a physical examination and discuss additional information.


- Physical examinations will occur in the entry way of your home.  Please have your dog ready on a leash or cat in a room that you can get them from easily.  All of our equipment, vaccines, treatments, etc. will be placed on a clean towel.  All of the tools used during examination are disinfected in between use.  If your pet is unable to move or be moved easily (e.g., a large-breed dog with severe arthritis), we will make exceptions to keep your pet comfortable.  


- We ask that the number of family members involved in the appointment is limited, that they wear a mask covering their mouth and nose and maintain a distance of at least 6 feet when we are evaluating your pet.


- Please reschedule your appointment if any of the following are true: 

  • If you have traveled to a restricted state or internationally in the past 14 days 

  • Any household member has signs or symptoms of a respiratory infection such as fever, cough, shortness of breath or sore throat

  • Any household member has tested positive or been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 14 days


These policies are set in place to keep everyone as healthy as possible.  If any of the staff tests positive for COVID-19, we will be unable to care for any pets for a period of time. If you have any concerns with these policies, please call to discuss this before your appointment so that we can make other arrangements.   


For in-home euthanasia, the policy is altered slightly so that we can provide comfort for your pet while maintaining proper social distancing techniques.  This will be discussed further when the appointment is scheduled.  


At Your Door Veterinary Services LLC

1643 Warwick Avenue #157

Warwick, RI 02889 (mailing address)

(401) 443-6258

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 Copyright 2024 At Your Door Veterinary Services LLC 

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