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Email: atyourdoorvetservices@gmail.com
Monday - Friday: 9-5 PM
Saturday: Limited availability
Sunday: Closed

Euthanasia Services
At Your Door Veterinary Services knows how difficult end-of-life decisions can be. To help provide comfort during this difficult time, Dr. Washburn offers in home euthanasia. This will allow your pet to spend their final moments in the place they are most comfortable surrounded by the people who love them the most.
Please read through the following frequently asked questions regarding the process for euthanasia. If you have any questions or concerns that are not answered below, feel free to reach out to Dr. Washburn by email or phone.
When is it Time?
Making the decision to say goodbye to your beloved pet is never easy. While only you can make this decision for your pet, there are signs that suggest that euthanasia is the right step including:
Difficulty breathing
Lack of interest in food
Lack of interest in water
Changes in behavior (aggression, confusion)
Weight loss
Hiding/isolating from family
Signs of chronic pain (inability to move, lameness, difficulty getting sitting or standing from laying position, difficulty going up/down stairs, difficulty getting on furniture)
Pets with chronic illness will have good days and bad days. When your pet's bad days outnumber the good days, euthanasia should be considered.
How to Make an Appointment?
Appointments are available for pets who have recently been seen by their primary veterinarian.
Appointments are available only in Rhode Island. Dr. Washburn is not licensed in Massachusetts or Connecticut and cannot perform appointments there.
Please click here to fill out the form to request an appointment. Requests made online will be responded to during business hours. While Dr. Washburn would like as much notice as possible, she understands that death is difficult to predict and she may be able to accommodate same-day appointments.
Appointments are available Monday through Friday between 9 AM and 5 PM. After hours (5-7 PM) or Saturday appointments are available on limited availability and are subject to an additional fee.
What are the Fees of In Home Euthanasia?
All fees can be found here.
What to Expect During the Appointment?
Home visits typically last between 30 and 60 minutes. As Dr. Washburn wishes for your pet’s passing to be as peaceful as possible, your pet will receive a sedative which make take 5-15 minutes for effect. This sedative is administered directly under the skin just as a vaccine would be given. Most pets do not react but some pets may experience a very brief discomfort and is dependent on their tolerance for needles and/or the medication. If your pet is still eating, Dr. Washburn recommends feeding your pet a yummy snack. Feel free to feed foods that pets are not able to typically eat or may be allergic to such as chocolate, chicken, steak, etc.
Once your pet is sleepy and comfortable, they will receive a second injection intravenously which will result in the slowing of breathing and heart rate until your pet passes. This passing is very peaceful for your pet and they will not experience any pain. It is common for their eyes to remain open after sedation or during passing and they may sometimes leak urine or bowel contents.
Where is the Best Place to Perform Appointment?
The best place is a familiar setting where you and your pet feels the most comfortable. This may include their bed, on the couch, in their favorite room, or outside (if temperatures are above 50 F and it is not raining).
Who can be Present for the Appointment?
Dr. Washburn encourages family members to be present to say goodbye to their beloved pet. Other friendly pets are able to be present and that decision is up to you and your family. It is common for other dogs in the home to be high-energy when Dr. Washburn first comes to the home but she finds that most dogs calm down after a few minutes. If you feel that having your other pets present will be distracting or stressful for you, they can be kept in another space or outside during the visit.
What are Options for Aftercare?
1. Private cremation: Your pet will be provided transportation to Final Gift for cremation. When you choose private cremation, your beloved pet will be the only pet in the cremation chamber during the cremation process. When the cremation process is complete, Final Gift ensures that you receive only the cremated remains of your pet.
2. Communal cremation: Your pet will be provided transportation to Final Gift for cremation. When you choose communal cremation, you will not receive the cremated remains of your pet.
3. Home burial: You may elect to bury your pet at home once they have passed.
***For cremation services only***
Dr. Washburn does not travel with an assistant. If your pet weighs more than 40 lb, Dr. Washburn will ask for assistance in moving your beloved pet. If you are unable to provide assistance, let Dr. Washburn know before the appointment so that she can bring an assistant. There is an additional fee for this.
If your pet weighs more than 60 lb and your appointment will be ending after hours, arrangements with Final Gift will need to be made for pickup of your beloved pet from your home. There is an additional fee for this from Final Gift.
How will I Receive my Pet's Ashes?
There are three ways to receive your pet's ashes back if you choose private cremation:
1. You can pick up your pet's ashes directly from Final Gift (located in Cranston).
2. You can have your pet's ashes delivered to your primary veterinarian.
3. You can have your pet's ashes mailed directly to your home. There is an additional charge for this.